God Brought MCA Together

Macedonian Christian Academy was founded in 1987 by Dr. William & Mary Jane Curling who had lived and served in Mexico for 20 years before relocating to South Texas. Asked by local ministry families for help in tutoring their kids, there were soon 18 students meeting in the evenings.

It was then that Mary Jane recognized the Macedonian call — the need for an organized place to disciple and educate these students, providing support to their families who were serving as ministers and missionaries. 35 years later, God is still moving and doing incredible things at Macedonian Christian Academy. Take a moment to hear the rest of our God story!

Our mission — ‘Because of Christ, disciples are made, and families are built’ — is more important than ever as we watch family values being eroded and challenged in our country. A biblical worldview is necessary for our children to understand what they believe and why they believe it. That is why this mission of loving Jesus, making Him the front and center of everything we do is so critical and special to us.

I hope you’ll be a part of this ministry in some way. I hope you’ll get involved with no strings attached — nothing in it for you— just as a way of glorifying God.

Thank you for your support, for your prayers, and for the fellowship of helping us do what God has called us to do.
— Juan Curling